About Me

Welcome to my site! Being an affiliate for fashion is something I have wanted to do for a while, but didn’t think I had the time. I love fashion, recycled and new.  I like the thrill of finding a vintage piece like a  1960’s Elizabeth Arden winter coat with fur cuffs, (Yes, I found it and I now own it!)  I love finding fashion treasures like that.

A Little Back Story

I worked in retail for many years. Most of it, being a sales girl at Nordstrom. I loved the clothes and accessories we sold, but I could barely afford to buy them, even with my 20% discount! Working at a place that was the forefront of fashion trends, a girl with a limited budget need to get creative on how to dress the part. The one constant thing I learned from working at Nordstrom was that trends always come back. The color may be different, the fabric may be different, the embellishments may be different, but the style and cut of the clothing is the same. After learning that little nugget of knowledge, I soon discovered vintage and thrift stores or “recycled” clothing stores as well as finding the same brands and styles at Marshalls. I’d shop at these places and still look like I was wearing the current trend Nordstrom was selling, but at a fraction of the cost.

I left Nordstrom many years ago and for a while I forgot that I wanted to be a stylist or personal shopper. That is, until I discovered eBay! On a whim I would look for clothes that I used to sell 10 plus years ago and find it on eBay and learn that some clothes I used to sell are still selling on a secondary market. How cool is that? I started my own eBay account and began selling my own clothes from when I worked at Nordstrom. Would you believe people bought it? I was so excited to learn this. I began going to thrift stores on weekends and styling mannequins with my weekend finds and putting it on eBay. I couldn’t believe it was actually selling. I started to realize that if I am on the hunt for styles, designers and trends of the past, so are other people. I want to share my fashion finds with all the other fashionistas out there who, like me, live on a tight budget.

My Mission

I want to become my own trend setter. I want others to become their own trend setters too. My mission is to get people excited for the hunt.  Remember when Pricess Kate wore “off the rack” J. Crew tweed pump? It sold at J. Crew for $248 and sold out within hours after photos of her wearing them went online. They were on eBay for double that, but would you believe a month later, I found those shoes, brand new and with the box for $125? Now, that’s the kind of fashion treasure hunt that is exciting.
If you ever need a hand or have any questions, feel free to leave them below and I will be more than happy to help you out.

All the best,

